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Sticker & Stamp Books

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In this unique and rare collection, we have the Sticker & Stamp Books category. This collection of books contains titles with tons of fun stickers and special designs to keep kids engaged page by page, readers just would not expect what they can discover in each book. At Books2Door, we are always doing our best to provide kids books at bargain prices since 2004 but not only that, we are always looking into ways to provide fun and interesting books for readers to enjoy as well. As kids are developing their reading skills and important phonemes, kids will be continually drawn to the numerous amounts of fun stickers and interactive pages. 

It could be the favourite characters which captures kids attention or it could be the brighter and most colourful cartoon or exclusive designs. Although it’s fun to be grabbing each sticker from each page, these books actually serve some benefits of helping children develop important hand eye coordination skills. Stickers involve fine motor skills, peeling each sticker involves accurate pinching of the corners and edges of the stickers, by grasping the thin edges and then reapplying the sticker elsewhere on another page requires proper training and these books can do this! Something called Bilateral Hand Coordination, it the essential skill for so many day to day functional tasks, it is the detailed skill of cutting with scissors or tying your shoes.

Another skill which can be developed is Sensory Exploration, this skill is the exploration of scents, textures, surfaces and scratching. Stickers can be used as a reward or as a way to participate in fun group activities. Kids who are growing up are now developing so many important skills which help them function in day to day life and some of these can be learnt from books in this category, kids will need to learn how to master the art of Visual Scanning. Visual Scanning is the ability to scan and be aware of your immediate surroundings which may include reading, writing, searching or looking for an item and scanning a room in a crowded area. In this category, we have great titles like First Sticker Book Jungle, Super Mario: Official Sticker Book and 100 Alphabet Words Sticker Activity.