Captive Hearts of Oz is the newest manga series by New York Times bestselling creator Mamenosuke Fujimaru, known for her prolific work on the Alice of Country of...manga series. Based on the beloved classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, this original tale of magic, adventure and romance will appeal to fans of Fujimaru's other New York Times bestselling series like Alice in the Country of Clover and Alice in the Country of Joker. Captive Hearts of Oz reimagines Frank Baum's original Oz stories in a modern, shoujo style. Each volume in this ongoing series will be released in oversized editions, featuring impressive artwork and several full-colour illustrations. Dorothy Gale, along with her beloved dog Toto, finds herself whisked away by a tornado to the mysterious land of Oz. Something about this strange place feels oddly familiar, but Dorothy just wants to go home. Following the advice of a kindly Witch, Dorothy must travel to the Emerald City and seek out the Wizard of Oz, who alone has the power to send her back to her world. Alongside a trio of fascinating new companions, and a mysterious young man known as "Zero," Dorothy must follow the Yellow Brick Road on her journey to escape Oz and some of its less than friendly denizens, the evil Witches. Yet even though all this seems to be happening for the first time, Dorothy feels as if they have all met before...Buried secrets and conflicted romance await Dorothy as she travels through the wonderful land of Oz!;
Pagination: 176 pages;
Date of Publication: 31/01/2017
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